Who we are

LEGISMENTE is a private and independent institution, specialized in clinical and forensic services in the medical fields of Psychiatry, Neurology and (Neuro)psychology.

Based in Lisbon, LEGISMENTE was created with the purpose of helping Law Courts, as well as the many services and entities that intervene in the Justice Admnistrative System.

LEGISMENTE is in a constant collaboration with the public and private domain, but also with individuals in domains that involve the application of medical-legal knowledge, in the medical fields of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, namely, the elaboration of Legal-Medical Reports, and specialized Technical-Scientifical Consultancy.

LEGISMENTEs’ Team is formed by doctors and technicians, with due recognized honour and competence in the fields of Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry.

LEGISMENTE promotes education, formation and investigation in the Forensic Psychiatry area, seeking to promote and difuse the strenghtening of professionals in the Legal-Medical area.

Our Mission

To guarantee excellency through quality and haste in product and service delivery on the areas of Forensic Psychiatry and (Neuro)Psychology


LEGISMENTE holds as nuclear values honesty and objectivity by providing forensic evaluations and reports. Both are elaborated rigorously, with integrity and excellency.


LEGISMENTE is comprised of an independent, professional, team with a sub-specialization in the field of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology with due recognized honorability and competence in this area.

Our professionals have a specific formation in forensic evaluation, being sub-specialists in Forensic Psychiatry, holders of a Post-Graduation in Forensic Psychiatr and Psychology and/or a Post-Traumatic Damage Evaluation Degree, ministered by the INMLCF – Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses (National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences).

LEGISMENTE also provides Neuropsychiatry services, allowing an array of visions on the evaluation of questions that are in the frontier between Psychiatry and Neurology.

Medical and Psychological reports made by LEGISMENTE are rigorous, multidiscplinary, and provided swiftly.


  • Public Institutions have not been able to demonstrate capacity of the execution of forensic reports with due time, creating an impact on the judicial process and provoking considerable delays on the closing of such processes.
  • This area (as a whole) has a huge difficulty on the allocation of human resources and, occasionally, risks sanctions due to the delays.
  • With the creation of the Forensic Psychiatry sub-speciality, it is desirable that only doctors with such degree elaborate forensic psychiatry reports. Taking this into account, the waiting time only increases due to the limited number of psychiatrists with recognized experience and merit in this field, let alone, the degree.
  • In the private sector, Insurance and Banking Companies frequently request these types of services. For the demand, there is not enough supply on this market.
  • Big companies struggle with the difficulties that arise in the verification of temporary incapacitation that affect their workers. These difficulties translate into an exploitation of such measures when it is acknowledged that state-provided verification are slow and precarious.